Embracing Diversity Competition 2021
The primary driving force of the competition is to encourage all students and staff to reflect upon what Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) mean to them, in an effort to creatively consider and communicate:
- Fairness.
- Opportunity.
- Respect.
The theme is “Embracing Diversity” and the aim is to find the most effective expression and communication of this theme according to the following judging criteria:
- Clarity and accessibility of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion message.
- Level of effort shown.
- Originality of concept.
- Quality of work.
- Impact on viewer/audience.
- Scope for awareness raising and promotional work.
ED&I Definitions, Support and Entries
The following definitions are provided to help entrants (and supporting staff):
- Equality is about providing a level playing field for disadvantaged groups to ensure fairness and foster respect.
- Diversity is about valuing everyone as a unique individual and celebrating this difference.
- Inclusion in education is regarded as a process of addressing and responding to the diverse needs of all learners through increasing participation in learning, cultures and communities, and reducing exclusion.
It would also be useful for entrants (and supporting staff) to be aware of the 9 protected characteristics covered by Equality Act 2010. These concepts are explained fully in the staff and student ED&I online modules. Students (and supporting staff) are encouraged to complete their modules before entering.
To address the theme, the entry could:
- Explore the issues faced by a group who identify as having a protected characteristic.
- Be an idea to address bullying, harassment, victimisation or discrimination.
- Be a call to action to encourage society, or the College to be more inclusive.
This is an online competition this year. Each student can submit up to two entries: one individual and one group entry and each entry must be an original piece of work. The piece of work does not need to relate to your course.
Need inspiration? Have a look at the winner's entries in the booklets at the end of this page.
Entering and Deadline
- Students currently registered and attending a course during the 2020 – 2021 session can enter. All entry forms with submissions should reach us no later than Tuesday 1 June 2021.
- Please submit your entry form online to the email address below.
- Please save your file as ‘Online Entry Form_YOUR NAME’ eg ‘Online Entry Form_JohnSmith”.
- An alternative printable copy is available.
Electronic forms must be submitted to: EDI@cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk
What Happens Next
- Students (and supporting staff) must ensure entries are complete and submitted online by Tuesday 1 June 2021.
- All entries should be submitted online.
- Pictures of creative entries will be accepted.
The final awards event will be confirmed in due course look out for details on the website.
There are three prize levels for Faculty and college winners:
- Faculty level, commended: £50*
- Faculty level, high commended: £75*
- Faculty level, winner £100*
- Overall college, commended: £100*
- Overall college, high commended: £200*
- Overall college, winner £300*
This means that the overall college winner will win £400!*
Useful links
College Competition Commemorative Booklets
You can view previous entries in the commemorative booklets here:
- Commemorative Booklet 2018.
- Commemorative Booklet 2017.
- Commemorative Booklet 2016.
- Commemorative Booklet 2015.
- Commemorative Booklet 2014.
- Commemorative Booklet 2013.
- Commemorative Booklet 2012.
Regional Competition Commemorative Booklets
You can view the previous entries in the commemorative booklets here:-
*Terms and Conditions
Entry forms and entries must be submitted by the specified deadlines. Entries must clearly meet the judging criteria to be considered for judging and be of sufficient quality to win a prize. Audio and/or video based entries should be as succinct as possible. Prizes are available for each Faculty. Prizes will be given in Vouchers. Prizes will be shared if the entry is from a group rather than an individual.
Further Information
Any questions? Please call our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Team on 0141 375 5464, or email us at: