Gender Equality Month
March is Gender Equality Month in the college, incorporating International Women's Day on March 8th.
Although great progress has been made, there are still many countries around the world where genders are segregated, or people of certain genders are treated as second-class citizens. Even in Scotland, some parts of society still treat different genders differently and even discriminate against people based on gender. Gender Equality Month is an opportunity to raise awareness about these issues and to think about how we can ensure a world where people are treated fairly and have access to the same opportunities, no matter what their gender.
Gender Action Plan 2017-2021
Each College has been tasked by the Scottish Funding Council, SFC, with developing its own Gender Action Plan, GAP, to tackle those subjects with the greatest gender imbalance.
This report presents City of Glasgow College’s Gender Action Plan 2017 - 2021. Key to planning, delivering and evaluating an effective and robust framework are leadership; governance; and planning and performance.
The College’s gender action planning framework has been incorporated into the College’s Equality Outcomes 2017-2021, published in April 2017, as Equality Outcome 1.1. Progress will be presented within the Progress in Achieving Equality Outcomes Report, to be published in 2019 and 2021.
Useful links
Further information
Any questions? Please call our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Team on 0141 375 5464 / 5402, or email us at: