Modern Apprenticeships

Modern Apprenticeships at City of Glasgow College

Looking for a talent pipeline to help develop and grow your business?  Modern Apprenticeships are an excellent opportunity for your employees to gain an industry-recognised qualification and the practical workplace skills required to support your business. 

Why choose City of Glasgow College

As the largest college in Scotland, City of Glasgow College currently hosts 900+ foundation, modern, technical, and professional apprenticeships across a variety of frameworks. Working with some leading employers to enhance and further develop the skills and knowledge of their workforce and to inspire the next generation of talent.

We deliver Modern Apprenticeships across key industry sectors including, procurement, digital and ICT, Health and Social Care as well as maritime deck ratings and engine ratings and have extensive experience working with a range of industries.

An overview of Modern Apprenticeships can be found on the SDS website.

More Information

Please contact our Apprenticeships team -