If you’re a student at City of Glasgow College, then you’re automatically a member of the Students’ Association (CitySA). At CitySA, our students are at the heart of everything we do. We’re dedicated to enhancing the student experience of over 30,000 students at City of Glasgow College.
CitySA is a democracy. It's run by a Presidential team and a Student Parliament, who are all students at City of Glasgow College.
You can get involved with CitySA in many ways, as a Class Rep, Faculty Rep, member of the Student Executive or even as President, which is a full-time, paid position!
We hold various elections throughout the year and all our positions are elected by the students of City of Glasgow College, so whether you're standing for election or voting, you can be involved in the decision-making process at your Students’ Association.
The Students’ Association area is situated on Level 2 at City Campus and the Ground Floor at Riverside Campus.
Further Information
- Visit our Students' Association website.
- Follow the latest events and news from the SA on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.
Contact Details
Students’ Association CoordinatorÂ
Tel: 0141 375 5626
Email: citysa@cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk