Glasgow Guarantee is an investment in Glasgow’s future. It benefits those looking for Fair Work jobs, by developing the skills of our city’s workforce, alongside helping local businesses to recruit, by offering an Employer Recruitment Incentive (ERI) that can be used to source a new member of staff.
It offers many benefits if you are:
- a Glasgow resident who is unemployed/underemployed or about to leave school or college - we have lots of apprenticeship and job opportunities available to you
- a business seeking new employees, it provides a direct route to an approved pool of available and job-ready candidates, with financial support available to help recruit and train
As a candidate looking for a new job - join our programme to benefit from:
- Instant access to a large number of permanent Glasgow jobs and modern apprenticeship opportunities when you sign up whilst still at school or college
- Full support and assistance from your local Employability Provider, if you’ve been out of work for a while, to help you get ready for your new role
- Fair Work – get paid the Real Living Wage for jobs and apprenticeships
- Becoming a valued member of a team – jobs and apprenticeships are for a minimum of 2 years. You get access to the same terms and conditions as other employees
- Access to your own dedicated online account to view and apply for opportunities once registered. Registration includes an eligibility check process. Applications can only be submitted once all checks are complete and verified by Glasgow Guarantee.
Want to Know More?
Visit the Glasgow Guarantee website.