You can use our Report and Support tool to report something that has happened. Our online Report and Support tool provides a straightforward way to report any inappropriate behaviour, whether it is gender-based violence, harassment or any other form of discrimination. You can report anonymously or provide your name and contact details to be kept informed of the next steps and to receive the support you require.
- Abused Men In Scotland (AMIS) provides emotional and practical support for men over 16 years old experiencing domestic violence.
- NSPCC is a leading charity protecting the lives of children and young people from abuse.
- Scottish Women’s Aid offers advice and information for any women experiencing domestic abuse. You can call, email or chat online 24 hours a day.
- Scottish Woman’s Rights Centre provide free legal information, advice, representation and advocacy support to self-identifying women in Scotland affected by violence and abuse.
- Wellbeing Scotland is a trauma counselling service based in different areas of Scotland. Their service requires a self-referral.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- NHS provides general information on Female genital mutilation (FGM) and how you can access help and support.
- NSPCC is a leading charity protecting the lives of children and young people from abuse, providing support for parents, children and young people who have experiences of FGM.
Sexual assault and abuse
- Rape Crisis Scotland provides emotional and practical support for anyone who has been affected by sexual violence.
- Revenge Porn Helpline provides information and guidance on what revenge porn is, how to report this and legal advice for anyone over the age of 18years old.
- Scottish Woman’s Rights Centre provide free legal information, advice, representation and advocacy support to self-identifying women in Scotland affected by violence and abuse.
- Talk Now is a free counselling service for everyone affected by all types of abuse, includes support for family members.
- HStar Scotland offers free counselling and other support for women in Scotland aged 16+ who have experienced trauma and/or abuse at any point in their lives. Therapy offered in up to 12 different languages.
- Health in Mind offers counselling for all adult survivors (18+) of all child abuse including sexual abuse who live in and around Edinburgh. This is a pay per session service, and you will need to get in touch to ask about session prices.
- Sandyford Counselling and Support Services offer counselling to people who have experience rape, sexual assault and trauma including childhood abuse.