Student Policies
In this section, you'll find short summarised versions of some of our most important policies relating to your studies at City of Glasgow College. You can view the full policies on our Policies Page.
- IT Acceptable Use Policy - This policy has been created to define the term of acceptable use of Information Technology (IT) throughout the College.
- Using Your Own Device Policy - This policy has been created to provide guidance to those who use a personally owned device to access College systems or information, and their responsibilities towards information security and management.
- Academic Appeals Policy - This policy will inform you of your rights about your results and how you can raise your concerns with the college via an appeal.
- Safeguarding Policy - This policy shows the willingness of City of Glasgow College to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults who may be at risk of harm.
- Complaints Handling Procedure - This policy informs you of your right to raise any concerns you may have about your experiences at college.