UKSA Cluster Development Project

UKSA Cluster Development Project

Cluster Funding from the UK Space Agency (UKSA) is helping develop the cluster activity in Scotland, focusing on:

  • Sustainable Space.
  • Workforce Development.
  • Knowledge Exchange and Cross-Sectoral Diversification.

City of Glasgow College are collaborating with Fife College, and industry partners to develop a series of micro-credential courses that will address current recruitment strains in the Scottish Space sector.

The three courses cover:

  • Space Science and Sector.
  • Sustainable Satellite Manufacturing.
  • Electronics and Ecodesign.

To enrol on these courses contact us:

View our UKSA Cluster Development Project Discovery Paper and if you’d like to discuss the development of these programmes or other projects related to the Space sector, contact: Stuart McDowall, Head of Innovation & STEM.