STEM Assured is the only standard that provides independent, industry-backed validation of the quality of an institution’s science, technology, engineering and mathematics provision. Aimed at educational institutions, it is an outcome based standard that helps institutions create new partnerships, new revenue streams and enhance the student’s journey of those studying STEM.
To achieve the STEM Assured status, education providers (schools, colleges, universities) are assessed against a robust framework that benchmarks their capability to design and deliver STEM courses that keep pace with emerging technology and the evolving needs of employers.
Achieving the STEM Assured Award means that your College can demonstrate:
- Its STEM provision is consistently of a high quality, and is aligned with current and anticipated industry workforce. requirements for knowledge, skills and competencies.
- Its provision offers a multi-disciplinary context to students to reflect real-world needs and industrial settings and scenarios.
- Its employability and related transferrable skills are embedded into the curriculum and reflect your students’ journeys.
- A commitment to continual improvement and innovation in its STEM-related provision, to ensure that it keeps pace with rapid advances in technology and changing jobs markets and profiles.
- It has clear engagement processes with employers and key stakeholders within its ecosystem.
Who is it suitable for?
STEM Assured is suitable for a range of institutions including schools, further and higher education providers and academies.
STEM Assured can also be used by a city or a region to ensure their educational offering is of high value and differentiated. Using STEM Assured can help organisations such as city councils, LEPs and Chambers of Commerce to take a more strategic and coordinated approach to education, thus ensuring their STEM offerings fully meet the regional economic priorities.
STEM Assured is acknowledged by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the National Apprenticeship Service and the UK Commission on Employment and Skills.
Why should I apply?
- Provides a stronger visibility of your STEM specialities to local employers and the community it serves
- Demonstrates your capability to meet the needs of business and industry
- Encourages and fosters a high level of consistency in the quality of STEM education and training and drives professionalism in your students
- Promotes cross-curricular collaboration in teaching and learning, knowledge transfer and business innovation
- Increased interest in STEM subjects by students through visible employment prospects
- Membership of an elite network of STEM Assured institutions.
Further Information
For more information about STEM Assured, please contact - Stuart McDowall - Head of Innovation & STEM or complete our Enquiry Form and a member of the team will be in touch.