Erasmus Plus (KA2) - Engendering STEM

Project Introduction

The aim of the ENGENDERING STEM project was to identify the factors that distinguish small to medium sized (SMEs) STEM employers that have embraced equality and diversity in the workplace and those who have not.  The project aimed to positively impact the flow of female recruits into (and through) the STEM sector pipeline, with a focus on SMEs, and to support unbiased recruitment and retention processes to be mainstreamed into employment and education sectors.

Project Outputs

In order to address these key issues, the project delivered three key outputs:

  • Publication of Gender Equality Research and Associated Best Practice Guides.
  • Online Self-Assessment Gender Equality Diagnostic Toolkit.
  • Blended Learning Training Programme.

Project Results

To date, this project has:

  • Enrolled 1,191 participants in a bespoke training programme.
  • Engaged 2,587 stakeholders in web-based activity over the lifespan of the project.
  • Supported 56 SME employers in using the Gender Equality Self-Assessment Diagnostic Toolkit.

Find out more on the Engendering STEM Website or watch our short animation.