Personal Learning Support Plan (PLSP)
The Learning Support Team offer students a one-to-one needs assessment. These appointments help to identify the support you need to engage in your course. The assessment is a friendly chat that will support you to highlight barriers or areas of concern before agreeing on the most appropriate support package for you.
To access support from the Learning Support Team you are required to participate in the needs assessment process, to contribute towards development of a personal learning support plan and to provide evidence of your disability or additional support need.
Disabled Students Allowance
Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) is available for students with a disability or additional support need (ASN) who are studying at SCQF Level 7 (HE) and above.
Applications are completed through the Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) and the money is to help with additional expenses related to studying. The amount of support received will depend on the individual but can include funding for specialist equipment, travel or non-medical help.
To apply you will need to complete a needs assessment with one of our Learning Support Advisors and you will be asked to provide proof of your disability or ASN. You can find out more about DSA on the SAAS website.
Contact Us
- City Campus, 8.30am – 4.30pm. Tel 0141 375 5510
- Riverside Campus, 9am – 4pm. Tel 0141 375 5369
- Email: learningsupport@cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk