Study Tours
City of Glasgow College has significant experience in delivering Short Term Study Programmes having offered a variety of bespoke study programmes for over 20 years to participants across the world. Our programmes offer a unique opportunity to build knowledge and understanding of their vocational area of interest, as well as experiencing industry in Scotland, the UK and across the economy of Glasgow.
In order to meet the individual needs of each short term study programme at City we focus on project-based learning and industry engagement.
Workshops and Short courses
City of Glasgow College offers a range of short courses and workshops designed to offer tailored education and training programmes for individuals or groups whether they are in an educational or business setting. Accredited by 19 internationally recognised awarding bodies we have over 40 years’ experience delivering educational programmes across a wide range of subject areas to our overseas partners.
We can design flexible tailored staff development programmes and have developed a suite of short programmes and workshops that are helpful for continuing professional development, refreshing knowledge and exploring new areas of interest.
We offer tailored short programmes and workshops to our educational partners designed to add value to the student experience by enhancing and enriching their educational programme of study at College or University.
Participants will receive a City of Glasgow College Certificate on completion of one our tailored short courses or workshops and we can also offer training programmes leading to recognised qualifications.
Please contact a member of the International Team to discuss your requirements.