Fire Safety
The College is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment and in particular managing the risk of fire. This commitment is included in The College Fire Safety Policy, which also covers the arrangements for assessing and controlling the risk of fire and spread of fire.
Fire Alarm System
All College buildings have automated fire alarm systems which include smoke/heat sensors, fire alarm call points and fire alarm sounders.
Fire Alarm Test
The fire alarm is tested weekly, on a Monday at 0900 hrs, at all College buildings. The alarm will sound for 10-15 seconds. The purpose of the test is to ensure that the system operates properly and to familiarise occupants with the sound of the alarm.
Fire Emergency Action Plans (FEAPs)
Detailed FEAPs are in place for all College buildings and these are communicated and available for all staff and students attending the college. FEAPs contain details of evacuation procedure and it is important you know what action to take. Your manager, host or lecturer should advise you of the procedure. If you are visiting the college you can also pick up the leaflet: Health and Safety and Security Information for Visitors. The main action to take is as follows:
On Discovering a Fire
Raise alarm by activating a fire alarm call point.
On Hearing the Fire Alarm
- Leave the building by the nearest, safest exit or as directed by staff or fire marshals.
- Escape routes and stairwells to evacuate premises are signposted.
- Close doors behind you.
- Proceed to designated assembly area.
- Do not use lifts.
- Do not take risks.
- Do not delay or stop to collect personal belongings.
- Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so.
Do you require assistance to evacuate the building?
If any staff or students have a mobility difficulty or other impairment and you require assistance to evacuate the building please advise the appropriate person as soon as possible e.g. staff should advise their manager; students should advise Student Development on application or their lecturer so that arrangements can be put in place for your safe evacuation in the event of a fire emergency. These arrangements will be documented on a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) and copied to you.
Visitors should advise Reception and they will be provided with details. (also refer to section for Visitors).