Accidents and First Aid
The College makes every effort to ensure measures are in place to control health and safety risks at the College. However accidents do happen and when they do the College has a procedure in place for reporting an accident/incident. Furthermore the College procedure requires that an investigation takes place and, if necessary, corrective action is taken to reduce the risk of a re-occurrence.
If you have an accident on the College premises please advise your lecturer/host, reception or a janitor, immediately. First aid treatment will be provided, if necessary.
If you have an accident outside the College e.g. on a college trip or excursion, or at another employers workplace whilst on work placement or whilst on College business, then please report it to your College lecturer/manager as soon as possible.
Accident and Incident Reporting and Investigation Procedure.
First Aid
There are fully qualified first aiders at each College Campus building. Should you require first aid treatment, please advise your lecturer/host, reception or a janitor.
There are also first aid rooms at each campus.
The College encourages and welcomes input from Trade Unions, staff and students on improving health and safety.
Staff and Trade Unions
It is a legal requirement to consult Trade Union representatives on matters of health and safety. The College has a Health and Safety Committee which meets at least 3 times per year and minutes of the meetings are produced and posted on the staff intranet. The Committee consists of management and TU safety representatives.
Individual members of staff can raise health and safety matters directly with their manager, Estates or the Health and Safety Team.
There are a number of ways for students to raise issues including health and safety. The details are covered in the Students section of the website.
If any visitor has concerns regarding health and safety at the College, they should raise the matter with their host, reception or a janitor.