3D Digital Game Art Competition

3D Digital Game Art Competition

The 3D digital game artist creates three-dimensional models and assets that differ depending on the type of game. They are responsible for every aspect, from taking a designer’s brief to using creative, technical and specialist skills to deliver assets in a marketable game.

Competition Overview

The 3D digital art competition has been designed to reflect the role of a 3D digital artist within the game industry and what standards are expected when developing a AAA game.

The challenge is to take a concept and transform it into a 3D mesh which harnesses a wide range of skill sets from good geometry decisions to symmetry and texture. The competitor needs a full understanding of concept art skills, 3D modelling in Autodesk Maya, 3D Studio Max or Blender, UV Layout and texturing skills with Substance Painter. Demonstrating a solid understanding of effective topology on their 3D meshes, UV layout and appropriate texture creation based on the style and theme of a given brief.

Competition Brief

Download the 3D Digital Game Art Competition Brief for more detail on what’s Involved.


Register for the 3D Digital Game Art WorldSkills Competition.