Robotics (Scotland)

Competition Overview

WorldSkills UK Robotics competitions focus on high-level engineering skills such as planning strategies to solve problems, programming autonomous systems and understanding the use of sensors and actuators.

A team of two competitors are required to design, construct and programme a robot to undertake a range of challenging tasks

This competition is organised by Semta in association with Middlesex University, FESTO, and VEX Robotics.

General Instructions

Open Level: This competition is aimed at all students and/or apprentices who are studying or working in robotics, design and associated industries. The team must have a maximum of five years’ experience in the design and robotics industry.

Each organisation may enter a maximum of three teams of two competitors per campus or location, and 4 teams overall.

  • Follow these steps to enter the WorldSkills UK Robotics National Competition.
  • Review the competition overview and guidance materials.
  • Register online from the 1 March to 7 April 2018.
  • Registered teams will be invited to a project planning event on the April 2018.
  • Develop your robot for testing.
  • Use the Competitor Preparation Resources to prepare for the next stages of competition.
  • Teams will be invited to a project testing and selection event in July 2018.
  • Teams who achieve the highest scores in the project testing and selection event will be invited to compete at the UK Final to be held in November.

Once you have registered we’ll make sure you are kept updated throughout all these stages, so that you don’t miss any important dates or information.

A maximum of 3 teams of 2 competitors may enter this competition per location/campus, and up to a total of 5 teams of 2 competitors per organisation.