Competition Overview
Graphic designers have the skills to design and handle images and text across a wide range of commercial contexts from print to digital and UI design, posters to motion graphics and animation.
Weā€™re on a mission to find the most creative modern graphic designer of the future. This includes the design and handling of images and text across a wide range of commercial contexts from print to digital and UX design, posters to motion graphics and animation. The tasks and assessment criteria have been chosen by professional designers to test the breadth of skills required in the contemporary market.
Real companies set all our briefs; often they are actual live briefs where competitorā€™s work may be used commercially.
The competition tasks are designed to track your development as a designer with the expectations and points available for technical aspects of production rising in each stage.
You can enter 3 competitors from your centre.
General Instructions
- You can enter 3 competitors from your centre; this includes individual sites that run a separate cohort of learners. A college that has 3 geographically separate centres could enter 2 from each site. In this instance there must be three distinct centre addresses provided.
- We have had successful competitors from a range of creative and even IT courses that have a creative element, a good interactive design student should not be excluded if you can support their development of the specialist skills required by the graphic design industry.
- The competition is particularly accessible to apprentices from appropriate sectors such as digital and design.
- Register to enter the competition. Some competitors have trouble with this stage so please do not assume you have registered until you have email evidence of successful registration.
- The registration window runs from 1 March 2018 until 7 April 2018.
- Use an email address that you regularly check when you register as you may miss important information if emails go astray.
- It is very helpful if staff registering competitors provide a personal mobile phone number as it is often difficult to reach staff through college switchboards.
A maximum of 3 competitors may enter this competition per location/campus, and up to a total of 12 per organisation.
- Download core competencies.
- Download assessment summary.
- Download Stage 1 brief.