Story telling focus of ESOL Conference

Jamie Keddie, ESOL Conference June 2017 Jamie Keddie, ESOL Conference June 2017

City of Glasgow College recently hosted its annual ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Conference at its new City campus.

Well over 100 delegates from schools, colleges, local authorities and businesses across Scotland took part in a variety of presentations and practical workshops aimed at generating excellent practice in English Language teaching in a Scottish and UK context.

Mary McManus, Curriculum Head for ESOL at City of Glasgow College, said: 

“As the number of people for whom English is not a first language increases, ESOL plays a crucial role in helping them settle into a new community and managing everyday activities. This is the third year we have held this conference and it gets busier each time with individuals, groups and organisations keen to share new ideas and explore new opportunities.”

This year’s keynote speaker was Jamie Keddie, trainer, writer and storyteller, who says there is not a teacher in the world that doesn’t have a story to share. His presentation foccused on the art of storytelling demonstrating how video telling activities can be used to help get students listening, thinking and speaking.

Fatima Ramzan from Dundee International Women's Centre said:

“I loved Jamie Keddie's storytelling techniques and will be trying them in my class as soon as possible. The conference threw up some great ideas from speakers and also other delegates and has given me a lot to think about.”

ESOL Conference 2017 - Introduction and Keynote Speech from City of Glasgow College on Vimeo.

What our delegates said

Workshops on the day

Linda Wood & Andrew Parfitt: Live Debate, Pros and Cons of Using Technology in an ESOL Classroom.

Jack Scholes: English Through Drama - Making Learning Joyful and Challenging.

Ann Margaret Smith: Memory Strategies for Language Learners.

Viorica Lucata: Make them Laugh and They Will Learn.

Jamie Keddie: What's the point?

Genivieve White: Real Life Writing Tasks.