Minister Urges School Leavers to Choose College
A Scottish Government Minister today urged tens of thousands of school leavers to consider colleges as a first-choice destination.
Jamie Hepburn, Minister for Higher Education and Further Education, Youth Employment and Training, made the call as tens of thousands of Scottish pupils this week received the results of their SQA exams.
Mr Hepburn said: “Scotland’s colleges offer incredible opportunities for young people looking to acquire the new skills needed for today’s workforce.  Other students might be looking to improve their results and then move on to a higher level of study in college or onto university. Colleges across the country also offer outstanding training for increasing numbers of apprentices.
“With exam results out today, Scotland’s colleges provide world-class learning for everyone and I hope every school leaver considers them as a first-choice destination.”
Paul Little, Principal of City of Glasgow College, said:Â
“This is a pivotal time for thousands of school leavers receiving their results across Scotland and they should seriously consider the range of exciting options City of Glasgow College offers. We are Scotland’s largest technological and professional skills college and our award-winning, twin-site super campus in the heart of Glasgow provides outstanding resources and opportunities for students to gain essential skills for their future careers. Â
“Since our multi-college merger in 2010, City of Glasgow College has enabled over 110,000 graduates to acquire recognised qualifications, engaging with employers, business, industry and education partners to build a curriculum of over 1,200 flexible-study courses across four faculties. Â
“Innovative approaches to teaching and learning enable personalised development across a range of subjects on campus and online. Up to 8,000 graduates leave the college each year ready for the world of work, with some 95% of successful students progressing directly to further learning, apprenticeships, or employment. Don’t delay, explore our courses today!”Â
Shona Struthers, Chief Executive of Colleges Scotland, added:Â
“The skills provided ensure college graduates have the fit-for-purpose competencies employers’ demand. An incredible 96% of the learning provided leads to recognised qualifications, which in turn means improved employment and earnings opportunities.  So, with employers crying out for skilled workers, colleges are increasingly relevant destinations for school leavers, and I encourage all of them to look at what life-changing courses are on offer.”
Find out more about the courses available at City of Glasgow College.