City Lecturer Receives Prestigious National Award in Culinary Education

In a remarkable achievement, Professional Cookery lecturer Kenneth Hett has been honoured with the esteemed Peter Jukes Fellowship Award for Education at the Master Chefs of Great Britain 40th Anniversary Dinner on Monday 11th March. This recognition bestowed upon him, stands as a testament to his dedication and expertise in the culinary arts.

The Master Chefs of Great Britain champion British cuisine by fostering culinary exchange, offering training for aspiring chefs, and organising competitions and charitable initiatives. The Peter Jukes Fellowship Award for Education is a highly coveted accolade within the culinary world, with only five recipients being honoured in the past decade.

Kenneth's outstanding contribution to culinary education has earned him this rare distinction, highlighting his commitment to excellence in teaching and mentorship. George McIvor, chairman of The Master Chefs of Great Britain commented:

‘I wish to congratulate [Kenneth] on your amazing success as being named the Peter Jukes Fellowship award winner for Education 2024. This award had unanimous approval from the entire master chefs committee. For me your ability to deliver to such a high standard of training to the City of Glasgow College students and beyond is testament to your skill and dedication to our profession. I am personally so proud of you. With Lady Claire Macdonald I enjoyed hugely being able to congratulate you in person at Prestonfield House.’

Kenneth's success brings pride and recognition not only to himself but also to the College. His passion for culinary education and unwavering dedication to his students have undoubtedly contributed to his receiving this prestigious award. Kenneth expressed his gratitude and excitement:

‘Being awarded the Peter Jukes Fellowship award for education by the Master Chefs of Great Britain is truly humbling. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the culinary arts community in such a meaningful way allowing me to support and guide the future of our industry.’

Kenneth’s accomplishment serves as an inspiration to aspiring chefs and educators alike, demonstrating the profound impact of dedication and passion in the culinary arts. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Kenneth Hett on this well-deserved honour and look forward to witnessing his continued success and contributions to culinary education.