The Maritime Sector Skills Challenges

We are delighted to be celebrating 50 years of maritime education on the banks of the River Clyde with our Maritime 50 Symposium.  We are honoured to have influential industry leaders and eminent academics from across business, technology and the maritime sector joining us in our multi award winning Riverside campus - one of the most modern and technologically advanced maritime campuses.

Our third international maritime symposium will consider the skills challenges facing the maritime sector and we will examine how colleges can offer practical and innovative solutions.

The Maritime Sector is a complex array of industries including shipping, ship management ports and harbours, regulators and many more including a massive supply and distribution chain. Ships Officers represent a key source of talent for these roles but developing this talent pool is at risk from a number of factors including demographics, skills development, recruitment and retention.

The City of Glasgow College Maritime 50 Symposium seeks to examine these factors and begin work on insightful solutions.

You can view the programme for the day here.