EIS-FELA has given notice of a further programme of strike action during June. EIS-FELA has also called for Action Short of Strike (ASOS) following the completion of a statutory ballot over pay. 

ASOS began on Monday 12 February 2024 and could continue into the summer. EIS-FELA has outlined two aspects to this action: ‘working to'rule' whereby lecturers strictly adhere to the terms of their contracts and a 'resulting boycott’ involving lecturers withholding students’ results.

Planned Strike Dates ​

National talks are ongoing but we have been informed that should the dispute continue EIS-FELA plan further strike action on:

  • Monday 24, Tuesday 25, Thursday 27 and Friday 28 June.

It is important to note that on strike days not all staff will be on strike:

  • Both City Campus and Riverside Campus will remain open.  
  • You are welcome to use the library and study spaces as normal.  
  • Most classes will be running so check with your lecturers for updates. 
  • Canvas and CityLife are available for you to access all your course-related information. 
  • You will be given a positive attendance for any days of strike action and your funding payments will not be affected.  

Your Faculty will communicate local arrangements directly to you, so please check your College email.  If you have any further questions or concerns about your course, please speak with your lecturer, Curriculum Head or Academic Advisor. 

Why is the strike happening?

EIS-FELA is involved in a national dispute over pay. Matters of pay, terms and conditions are all negotiated and resolved nationally with College Employers Scotland. The current Scotland-wide pay dispute is affecting all colleges and we hope this will be resolved at a national level as soon as possible.

An offer of a £5,000 consolidated pay rise for lecturers over three years has been made to the trade union. This has been proposed despite the precarious and deteriorating financial situation colleges are facing due to government budget cuts. If accepted by the trade unions, the offer, which covers 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25 academic years, would deliver an 11.5% average pay rise for college lecturers from September 2024, keeping them as the UK’s best-paid college lecturers.

Further information