Guest Lecturer in Hospitality

Gary Maclean is Executive Chef at City of Glasgow College and the winner of MasterChef: The Professionals. He was appointed Scotland's first National Chef by the Scottish Government to promote Scotland as a Good Food Nation. Gary travels around the world delivering guest lectures, demonstrations and masterclass workshops.

  • Love Food Hate Waste?
  •  How is Sustainability Changing Hotel Management? Sustainable Hotels?
  • The importance of environmental sustainability in the Hospitality Industry
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Hospitality Industry
  • Aspiring Green Chefs - lecture/workshop
  • Gary can demo some of his favourite dishes alongside questions from the audience and stories about his time on MasterChef and his culinary travels.
  • Masterclass Workshop

Guest Lectures in 3D and Digital Modelling

Topic: Innovation and Industry
  • Industry links and their contribution to innovation hub.
  • Use of equipment in teaching of 3D Animation and games courses (Virtual Reality - HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, 360 degree cameras).
Topic: Intro to 2D and 3D Modelling
  • Introduction to 3D Studio MAX looking at uses in Mechanical Engineering, Architectural, Interior Design, and General Design.
  • Importing from AutoCAD products.
Topic: 3D and Intro to Animation techniques
  • Slightly more complex modelling in 3D Studio MAX and an introduction to Animation techniques.
  • Path techniques for modelling and animation.
  • Introduction to texturing and lighting - Use of lighting, simple texturing in 3D Studio MAX.
Topic: Intro to hard body modelling
  • Modelling of simple robot character.
  • Modelling of simple biped character.

Sample of Guest Lectures in Supply Chain Management

Topic: Advanced Supply Chain and Logistics
  • Advancement in global supply chain & logistics.
  • Emergence of intelligent supply chains.
  • Development in omni channel.
  • Future of sourcing and procurement.
  • Trend of big data analytics.
  • Need for sustainable supply chains.
Topic: Tax and Customs
  • The impact of indirect tax in supply chain.
  • Tax policy development and its influence in global supply chains.
  • Block chains and its challenges.
  • Import, customs & excise duty.
  • Fraud controls.
  • Customs audit techniques.
Topic: Free Trade Zone (FTZ) / Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
  • Increasing usage of FTZ/SEZ in global supply chains.
  • Importance of FTZ/SEZ.
  • Barriers to export from FTZ/SEZ.
  • Comparative analysis of FTZ/SEZ.
  • Information technology and its influence FTZ/SEZ.