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NQ Fashion Business

(SCQF level 6)

Business and Procurement, Education and Humanities

Apply Now

Mode of Study


Start Date

25th Aug 2025, 1 year

  • Applications from International Students Welcome
  • Overview

    Weā€™re excited to launch our new NQ Fashion Business course for 25/26.

    This course provides you with a ā€˜first glimpseā€™ into the world of fashion and to understand the various aspects of working in this exciting and dynamic industry.

    You will learn about how fashion organisations operate, from the origins of their materials to the style, design and production of their fashion ranges. In addition, you will understand how these global brands are not just fashion labels, but businesses that need to operate successfully, focusing on marketing, branding and their profitability. 

    Entry requirements

    Minimum entry requirements

    • Three National 5 qualifications at Grade C or above in relevant* subjects; OR 
    • Other equivalent qualifications or experience will be considered.

    * Relevant subjects include Art, English, Administration, Business, Fashion and Textiles, Economics, Geography, History, Mathematics, Modern Studies or a Science subject. 

    Additional selection requirements

    • You'll be invited for a group and/or individual interview where you can find out more about the course and tell us why you're interested in this subject area.

    ESOL entry requirements

    Applicants whose first language is not English should have minimum SQA ESOL National 5 or equivalent for NC/NQ courses and ESOL Higher or equivalent for HNC/D courses.

    What you study

    • Retail Buying.
    • Fashion Merchandising.
    • Fashion Trend Forecasting.
    • Social Media Literacy. 
    • Marketing. 
    • Branding. 
    • Fashion Textile Technology.
    • Starting a Business.
    • Understand a Business. 

    After the course


    This course prepares you for a career in a range of sectors including: 

    • Fashion Branding.
    • Retail.
    • Marketing & Communications. 

    Continuing Study 

    If you complete the NQ Fashion Business course, you will automatically be offered a place on our Level 7/8 HND Fashion Business program. In addition, there are a variety of City of Glasgow courses in Business Management and Marketing which you will be considered for. 


    How the course is taught

    The course is taught on a full-time basis, and you are expected to attend college at least 2 days per week. As part of our blended learning strategy, you will also engage with our virtual learning platform throughout the academic session. 

    Assessment methods

    The course covers a wide range of subjects linked to the Fashion world and we focus on assessing our students using the appropriate method. This can include portfolio work, presentations, info graphics, written essays and reports, articles and group-based projects.

    • Mode of Study:
    • Start Date:
      25th Aug 2025, 1 year
    • Applications from International Students Welcome