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English Higher

(SCQF level 6)

Languages, Education and Humanities

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Mode of Study


Start Date

27th Aug 2025, 32 weeks




17:00 - 20:00

See alternative times and dates »


City Campus


£ 538


The course will prepare you for the Higher English course qualification.  As this is a fast-track course, it is best suited to independent, self-motivated students who can work to a tight schedule, and dedicate 3-6 hours per week outside the college to self-study every week.  Successful completion of this course also gives automatic certification of Core Skill: Communication at SCQF level 6.

This course is placed on the Scottish Credit Qualifications Framework at Level 6. 

Entry requirements

Minimum entry requirements

  • National 5 English at Grade C or above; OR
  • Other equivalent qualifications or experience.

Additional selection requirements

You'll be invited for a group and/or individual interview where you can find out more about the course and tell us why you're interested in this subject area or we'll make an offer based on your application form.

What you study

You will develop listening, talking, reading and writing skills to understand and use language. You will also develop your understanding of the complexities of language by studying a wide range of texts. The course develops high levels of analytical thinking and understanding of the impact of language.


How the course is taught

This class will be delivered hybrid which will include face to face and online lessons.

As this is a fast track course, you will need to dedicate 3-6 hours per week in self-study in addition to class attendance. In class, you will participate actively in discussion, reading and written tasks focusing on the course and exam success.

Enrolment on this course also allows you to attend the optional Higher English tutorial class. This class is once a week from 5pm-7pm on a Thursday evening. There is no additional charge for this.

Assessment methods

The course is made up of a Course Assessment (H23H 76 English: Analysis and Evaluation) and two units (either H23T 76 English: Creation and Production or H6NS 76 English: Creation and Production with a Scottish Context).

As well as the external exam in May there are two college-based assessments: 

  • Applying language skills in the creation of texts through creating a portfolio of writing.
  • Producing detailed and complex spoken language through the demonstration of talking and listening skills.

Additional Information


Essential Books

1. Men Should Weep by Ena Lamont Stewart. 
2. New Selected Poems by Carol Ann Duffy 1984-2004. 
3. 2018 SQA Papers Higher English by SQA published by Hodder and Gibson.
4. Higher English: Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation Paperback – 27 Feb 2015 by A Bridges and C Eckford.
5. Higher English (Portfolio writing/ Scottish Text/Critical Essay) by A Bridges, Consultant Editor: C Cunningham. 
6. How to Pass Flash Revise Higher English (How To Pass - Higher Level) Paperback – 27 Jan 2012.
Other resources

  • 6 x 4 mm Spiral Bound Index Cards.
  • Binder A4 with plastic pockets.
  • Highlighters/pens/post-its. 
  • Phone, laptop or tablet with video capacity.

 You may be required to obtain other resources later in the course.

Alternative Dates and Times

Days(s) Time Dates Duration Duration Course
Wednesday 17:00 - 20:00 27th Aug 2025 - 7th May 2026 32 weeks 32 weeks View »
  • Mode of Study:
  • Start Date:
    27th Aug 2025, 32 weeks
  • Day(s):
    17:00 - 20:00
  • Location:
    City Campus
  • Cost:
    £ 538