AM - Active Development Message.


Award In Mental Health And Wellbeing At SCQF Level 6

(SCQF level 6)

Health and Social Care, Education and Humanities

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Mode of Study


Start Date

19th Aug 2025, 31 weeks


Tuesday, Thursday


13:30 - 16:00


City Campus


Please note - this is a school college partnership courses for school students in S4-S6.

Mental health and wellbeing have a massive impact on the quality of our lives. This course is designed to help you explore these issues and to empower you to develop healthy coping strategies, so you are well equipped to live a positive and healthy life. 

You’ll consider biological, psychological, sociological and cultural perspectives that influence how we understand mental health and wellbeing and consider how these different models and approaches inform public health responses.

You’ll discuss stigma around mental health and wellbeing and gain insight into psychological theory and knowledge that inform strategies on how you can support yourself and others. 

You’ll consider how we think, feel, and behave has been impacted by the evolution of the digital society and explore how these changes have affected our physical and mental wellbeing as the use of technology and social media has increased.

This is an interactive and engaging class linking and developing knowledge through learning development and project work.

Attendance Pattern

  • Tuesday and Thursday (1.30pm – 4pm). 

Entry requirements

Minimum entry requirements

This course would suit students looking to make an impact on their mental health and wellbeing. You must have achieved Nat 5 English at Grade C or above and working towards a Higher qualification.

What you study

  • Understanding Brain Health.
  • Influences on Mental Health and Wellbeing.
  • Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing.
  • The Impact of the Digital Society and the Information Age on Mental Health and Wellbeing.

After the course


This course could be the first step into a varied and engaging career sector, from Youth Work to Paramedic Science, Occupational Health to Counselling.

Education, Health Workers and Social Services are all within the top five occupations in Scotland, and this is projected to continue to be the case for the foreseeable future.

Continuing Study

While this course can be studied for personal development, it also acts as an entry point into qualifications in Health and Social Care. You can progress directly onto courses in Early Years, Counselling or Social Care, which open up access to degree programmes.


How the course is taught

We put you at the centre of the Mental Health and Wellbeing course, using different ways to learn—like projects, discussions, and research. You’ll also use our online learning platform and various web-based programmes to help build your skills and knowledge.

  • Mode of Study:
  • Start Date:
    19th Aug 2025, 31 weeks
  • Day(s):
    Tuesday, Thursday
    13:30 - 16:00
  • Location:
    City Campus