Applications of Mathematics (National 5)
(SCQF level 5)
Adult Learning and Supported Programmes, Education and Humanities
Mode of Study
Start Date
28th Aug 2025, 32 weeks
18:00 - 21:00
City Campus
£ 538
This fast-track course prepares you to think through real-life situations involving mathematics. It develops your confidence in handling information and mathematical tasks in your personal life and in the workplace.
This course is aimed at those who require an alternative to National 5 Maths for entry to courses eg. primary teaching and social work. This is not the National 5 Maths course it is the National 5 Applications of Maths.
As this is a fast-track course, it is best suited to independent, self-motivated students who can work to a fast schedule and dedicate 3-6 hours per week outside the college to self-study every week.
Please note:-
- This qualification is not accepted for entry to Higher Maths (as the Applications of Mathematics course has no algebra or trigonometry).
Entry requirements
Minimum entry requirements
- National 4 Mathematics; OR
- Other equivalent qualifications or experience.
Additional selection requirements
You'll be invited for a group and/or individual interview where you can find out more about the course and tell us why you're interested in this subject area or we'll make an offer based on your application form.
What you study
You will study Maths in real-life contexts, in the areas of finance, statistics, data management, measurement and geometry. This will equip you with the mathematical skills and knowledge you need in your everyday life and at work.
Exam preparation is central to the course. The external exam takes place in May.
As this is a fast-track course, you will need to dedicate 3-6 hours per week to self-study in addition to class attendance.
In addition, you can attend an optional tutorial class for 20 weeks of your course on Wednesday 5pm-7pm.
Additional Information
There will be some copies of these in the library for you to borrow, but we recommend that you purchase your own copies if possible.
- National 5 Applications of Mathematics, Student Book, Craig Lowther and Harden (13 Jun 2018).
- How to Pass Application of Mathematics, Mike Smith ISBN-139781510420984 Format Paperback, Publisher Hodder Education Publication (23 Feb 2018).
Past Papers
You can download past papers from the SQA website.
Essential Equipment
- An individual A4 folder and writing pad insert.
- Graph paper insert pad.
- Black, blue, red pen(s).
- Pencils, eraser.
- Scientific calculator (preferably CASIO but your preference is fine).
- A Helix Geometry set.
- Full 360 Protractor.
You may be required to obtain other resources later in the course.
Mode of Study:
Evening and Weekends
Start Date:
28th Aug 2025, 32 weeks
Time:18:00 - 21:00
City Campus
£ 538