Our Commitments

City campus building taken from the back showing lots of windows and the City of Glasgow College sign on top of the building.

Our Commitments

As part of City of Glasgow Collegeā€™s long-term commitment to sustainability and tackling climate change, we have:

  • Committed to becoming net zero by 2040.
  • Reduced our carbon emissions by 33% in the last five years.
  • Signed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Accord which embeds SDGs into education, research, leadership, operations, administration and engagement activities.
  • Invested in a 100% electric vehicle fleet ensuring a reduction of 4.01 tCO2e in vehicle emissions per year.
  • Gained Cycling Friendly Campus status and introduced electric bikes for staff to travel between our twin site campus.
  • Invested in an industrial composter ensuring we now divert 100% food waste from anaerobic digestion by composting directly on site.
  • No longer sell single use plastic bottles in our catering outlets and vending machines.

And we are:

  • Leading Glasgow City Region in developing a skills base to support the home energy retrofit across housing stock in the area.
  • Levying a 50p tax on tea and coffee bought in college buildings to encourage staff and students to bring in their own cups and mugs.
  • Introducing an annual travel pass scheme for public transport and are working with Glasgow Learning Quarter and local communities to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Operating a blended learning and hybrid working model that will help reduce the environmental impact of up to 30,000 students and 1,400 staff travelling in and out of Glasgow.